Home Inspection Overland Park

Choosing the Right Home Inspection Organization: ASHI vs. InterNACHI

Which Home Inspection Organization is Right for you?

Deciding on the right home inspection organization is pivotal for both aspiring home inspectors and homeowners seeking reliable inspections. The industry has largely been dominated by two major organizations: ASHI and InterNACHI. While both offer their unique advantages, ASHI stands out for its meticulous training programs and rigorous ASHI standards of practice.

The Landscape of Home Inspection Organizations

The dissolution of NAHI in 2016 left ASHI and InterNACHI as the key players. Given the variety in training programs, certifications, and membership benefits offered by each, understanding the distinctions between the two can aid in making an informed decision.

InterNACHI: A Focus on Extensive Training and Global Reach

What does InterNACHI offer for Home Inspectors?

Founded by Nick Gromicko, InterNACHI is renowned for its focus on education and training. The organization offers an extensive training program that is primarily online, with over 700 hours of education and 40 different certifications. It uniquely features “House of Horrors” training facilities, designed to equip home inspectors with real-world skills in identifying structural defects. InterNACHI offers a industry standard for their Stands of Practice (SOP). InterNACHI® School is accredited as a postsecondary school by a national accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education (USDE).

Membership Costs: $499 per year or $49 per month.

ASHI: The Pioneer of Home Inspection Standards

Why should Home Inspectors choose ASHI?

Established in 1976, ASHI is the older of the two organizations and has set foundational standards for the home inspection industry. Its Standards of Practice (SOP) have often been adopted by states and serve as a rigorous code for home inspection procedures. A full ASHI membership is highly coveted, requiring home inspectors to pass an exhaustive exam. In addition, ASHI provides ongoing education, including specialized courses like drone inspection training.

Membership Costs: $25 application fee and then $399 per year.

Comparing Training Programs

InterNACHI’s training is expansive but primarily online, making it accessible yet lacking in hands-on experience. ASHI, on the other hand, combines theory with practical knowledge, ensuring a more rounded skill set for inspectors. This focus on quality over quantity is part of what makes ASHI’s training more comprehensive and thorough.

Membership Benefits and Local Support

Both organizations offer substantial member benefits and have local chapters. InterNACHI excels in providing a multitude of online resources, whereas ASHI’s local chapters often meet, enabling peer-to-peer learning and networking opportunities.

The Kansas City Perspective

For those seeking home inspection services in Kansas City, choosing an ASHI-certified inspector ensures adherence to nationally recognized SOPs and a comprehensive, meticulous inspection. Dru Gordon with Gordon & Associates is your Best Home Inspector in Kansas City boasting his ASHI Certification for over 15 years!


Both ASHI and InterNACHI offer distinct advantages, but ASHI’s emphasis on rigorous training, thorough inspections, and foundational standards make it the preferable choice for those committed to quality. Personally, ASHI and its more rigorous standards offer a more complete whole house inspection. At Gordon & Associates we profide a throuough asnd detailed inspection asligining with ASHI Standards of Practice. Contact us now to book your home inspection in kansas city or any of our other additional inspection services we offer.